Panty Fanty

Panty Fanty(Long ago in a book set in Scandinavia there was a scene in a movie theater with an older man watching a young couple. She took off her white panties and jacked off her boyfriend into them. The description of her hand holding his dick in her panties as she moved up and down him until he came was deleriously exciting. From then on I’ve found panties, panty play stunningly exciting and incorporated it into fantasies written and otherwise. Here is one. Hope you are amused.)Returning from an arduous week feeling sorry for myself and licking old wounds, I became aware of a van keeping pace with me on my left. Something caught my eye; when I looked over, a woman kneeling on the passenger seat to face me raised her top to display a lovely pair of breasts in a very small bra. I laughed till there were tears in my eyes for the next couple of miles. Later she climbed into the back over several companions canlı bahis and busied herself in the stern. When she returned to her seat, she displayed a pair of panties. While she could not have seen the twinkle in my eyes, she apparently appreciated my smile. She rolled down her window leaning out extending her arm to offer me the panties. Rolling down my window and extending my arm, it seemed we were just a few inches short of the transfer. Closing the distance involved greater risk than I was willing to undertake at 75 mph. Only later did I realize that the portable umbrella in the side pocket would have been more than adequate to the task.When I told a friend about the episode, I wondered whether the panties had come from her clean stash or the dirty clothes. She assured me that they had been “dirty” because there’d have been no point without “a bit of scent.”Of course the events inspired bahis siteleri many fantasies. In one, I extend the “brolly” to accept her gift, and, while she and her companions watch, I put the crotch to my face inhaling deeply for several minutes. Then I lay them in my lap and motion her to raise her top. Next I motion her to open/remove her bra which she does. She teases her breasts and nipples for me for a few minutes then motions toward my lap clearly demanding a reciprocal exposure (having a dress shirt and tie [albeit loosened] precluded exposing my chest, after all). At length I give in to her continued hortations–did I mention her beautiful, sexy smile?–and take my dick which has been most responsive to the events out of my pants. After sitting awhile with my cock jutting out of my pants and enjoying the smiles of the women crowded at the van’s windows, I begin to jack off into the panties güvenilir bahis which results in further appreciative smiles, gestures, etc., from my audience. Of course all this is most exciting, and I enjoy a toe curling come saturating the panties with several desperate streams of pleasure.When I have recovered, my friend indicates to me a desire to have her (OUR!) panties returrned. Reluctantly I accede to her demand. She then proceeds to extend her arm below the window of the van and do something most vigorously for a few minutes. While I can’t be certain of the activity, her face clearly reflects a sexual tension suggestive of great arousal, though it’s unlikely that she could come in the circumstances. Ultimately, she takes off her panties–those contortions are most familiar–and offers them to me. Delerious, I almost wreck us all retrieving this new gift. When I have them, I put the crotch to my face and repeatedly inhale deeply savoring the fresh ripeness as I watch her face flush and her mouth twitch and grimace as though she might possibly be coming while trying to keep it an experience exclusive to us.

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