Selene One: Crater 208 the Guyot Affair part one

Selene One: Crater 208 the Guyot Affair part one”Again, this is the voice of NASA’s PRO speaking to you.” JC could easily imagine the butterscotch smooth golden speaking voice of the agency’s Public Relations Office narrating in real time the live video feed, “On the left side of the screen…you see Mission Commander JC Vaughan, wearing her white pressure suit and on the right, Mission Engineer David James Lloyd also suited up.” The Selene One Command Module was halfway through its first orbit and they were finishing the post launch checks. Her heavy breathing was a dry thunderous whisper serving to underscore the scene. She despised hearing herself in her com cap. the rhythmic sound reminded her how deadly the Space environment was. Commander Justine Cheryl Vaughan had applied to NASA as a civilian and hardly expected to be in space, let alone commanding a mission so soon. “Flight…JC,” the voice of CapCom in their ears made her flinch and grin. “We show no Delta action down here. Looks like your ride up went flawlessly. Congratulations and keep up the great work, you two.” She held her grin, hoping it hid her trepidation and unease and spoke calmly looking at the nearest camera.Copy, Flight.” Vaughan understood the Tech Twerps in Mission Control got hard ons just hearing her professional tone, “We concur. Vehicle performance within expected parameters. Thank you for getting us up here, Gang. Your long hours are paying off.””Concur, Houston.” Lloyd echoed, “We’re looking forward to an easy twenty-four hour ride to the TLI burn and REM maneuver.” He referred to the upcoming maneuver that çankırı escort entailed separating the Selene CM from its Ribbed Expandable Module hanger, directly behind them. In a two piece storage bay was a strange looking lozenge shaped contraption. JC would rotate the CM and the storage bay would separate from the vehicle as they docked with it. Once docked securely, the remaining rocket motor would fire for three minutes and they would leave Earth orbit for the Moon. After almost one hundred hours of travel, they would enter an orbit that would carry them around to the far side of the Lunar surface. Their destination was Crater 208 also dubbed the Guyot Crater. He smiled a knowing conspiratorial smile at JC and she laughed before giving him a swat. They were scheduled to spend forty-five days in the crater, looking for evidence of H3 for the processing of rocket fuel. That was the stated public aim of the Selene One mission. He heard Vaughan unsuccessfully stifle a breathy grimace beside him. Space was not an easy environment to adjust to, he knew. Especially for the female members of the astronaut community. JC was panting as if she were running a marathon uphill on a hot day. Vaughan felt vulnerable and exposed thanks to her extensive BIS Belt biomedical monitoring sensors. She knew her Flight Surgeon in MedCom was scrutinizing her data as only a doctor who was also an astronaut could. JC squirmed against her restraint harness and tried to ignore the constant cameras. In Mission Control, she and Lloyd were jammed side by side together so every movement they çorum escort made was felt by the other. The O2 hoses and com/data cables connecting to their bulky pressure suits writhed about them like drunken serpents in the weightlessness of orbit. There were a myriad of small round sensors fixed to their bodies revealing their heart performance, blood pressure, respiration and body temperature to MedCom. Vaughan had gone slick and warm between her legs during the climb to orbit. She hoped her Flight Surgeon would chalk that up to the ten minutes of five plus Gs squashing her before the sudden immersion into microgravity. She knew Lloyd was sporting a prize winning hard on between his legs.Pity to waste that, she ruminated still presenting her fake smile. To help her deal with the stress of Space, she had been issued something the female astronaut cadre nicknamed Pink and Purples. These were capsules filled with a fast acting Mood Enhancer that was a zealously guarded MedCom secret. During her training, JC had learned the astronaut community were all quietly advised to use a variety of pharmaceuticals intended to take the edge off Space. They had Go Fasts to help them stay focused during their overlong work days, sleepers to help them stop–and if necessary–make dying in Space painlessly easy and quick. From the corner of her vision, she saw the status lights on al the CM cameras suddenly turn amber. Now, she knew, only MedCom was watching. A warble in her com cap signaled her Flight Surgeon had sent her a text message via a secure channel to one of her tablet PCs. escort bayan They each had two to use during their mission, just like Lewis and Clark now on their way out to Mars. She knew her doctor, Vanessa Kennedy would be expecting a STATREP–agency speak for Status Report. She groused quietly to herself. How does one report a sudden awareness of her clit and a growing feeling of heat and sensitivity in her areola and nipples, she wondered. Again, she shifted and knew the CM’s Crew Motion Sensors and those attached to her were tattling on her in real time. Her body would be under a microscope the entire mission. At least, she thought, she was alive and hoped to stay that way. She and Lloyd were on their way to Crater 208. The Cosmonauts they were secretly looking for were not. That was the not so Public side of the Selene One mission.The Russians had finally made it to the Moon. Unfortunately, it appeared they had failed to make it back. Poor Lloyd, she thought as she looked at him from the corner of her vision from behind her secured visor. he knew one of them–very well. Sophia Angelova was the Flight Engineer and it now looked as if she and her pilot, Andre Markov had died out there in Guyot’s desolate crater. The Soviets, hopefully were unaware the Selene mission was about snooping on what had happened to them. Publicly, the Russians had announced their vehicle and crew, named Bios Luna, had suffered a catastrophic engine malfunction as they lifted off from the Lunar surface. However, the Soviets had also publicly stated the Bios Luna had landed in another crater. While Aiyanna Flies Far Eagle Woman Lewis and her partner Charles Michael Clark were grabbing headlines heading for Mars, she and Lloyd were involved in a sick little covert corpse sniffing job on the Moon. She suspected she and Lloyd were going to be the swept under the rug crew at NASA.

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